Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pilgrims Pie

The day after Thanksgiving has become just as popular in my home as the actual event.   Instead of trying to find room for all of the leftovers and heating them up individually, how about layering them all together into a wonderful "pot pie" like dish.  Use whatever you have in the fridge (turkey, stuffing potatoes, veggies, gravy and even cranberry sauce) and no additional ingredients are needed (unless you do what I did this year and put a pie crust in between the Thanksgiving layers.  I can now see the back of my fridge again.  Thank you Jessica Collins for such a lovely idea, Indulge!


Double Pie Crust (optional)
Thanksgiving leftovers


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Grease or spray a baking dish if you are using the pie crust line the bottom of the dish with one of the crust.  Chop turkey into bite size pieces.  Start to layer leftovers, one by one into the baking dish.  (I like to begin with the stuffing/dressing to give it a nice base).
Add remaining layers with mashed potatoes being the last layer and top with the remaining pie crust.  Bake for about 20 to 30 minutes until heated all the way through.  If you choose not to use the pie crust let the potatoes brown a little on top.  If they start to brown too much before the dish is heated, cover with foil for the remaining time.

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