
Allow me to take a moment to introduce myself and tell you a little about me and my blog.  My name is Mendi, a stay-at-home Mom of three beautiful and amazing kids (and two beautiful step-daughters), who aside from being Mom loves cooking, baking and entertaining.  I am self-taught and have always enjoyed tinkering  and manipulating recipes either to suit my own taste or see if I can take it to another level, as well as creating my own in the process.

  I initially wanted to create some type of recipe collection book to hand down to my kids as well as family and friends.  For years I had wished my grandmothers and elders would have had something similar, one place to go and find  that savory cornbread dressing , coconut cream pie or homemade country biscuits that I remember enjoying growing up, so I thought a food blog would be an amazing place to start.  You will have to forgive me as I am not a writer by any means and this will be my first attempt at any type of blog.  However, I am looking forward to sharing my sweet and savory adventure and putting together a collection of family favorites from years past as well as new ones to pass down.