In celebration of the cooler weather we are having, I was eager to get back into the kitchen (because I wanted to not because I had too). As I was trying to decide what I was going to bake I couldn’t help but notice the poor VERY ripe bananas, the kind of ripe that would only last another day or two. So I pulled out my BIG book of printed off recipes and looked at the ones that I have saved on my laptop. I was leaning towards banana bread, but remembered how I was slightly disappointed the last time I made it. It was just missing something.
Not being able to decide on one particular recipe, I decided to take the plunge and attempt to create my own. On a scratch piece of paper I started jotting down what I wanted and how much. Needless to say I was unsure going into this and was pretty sure I would be making a trip to the trash can.
After combining most of the ingredients I almost forgot the most important one…my friend Jack. How can I invite this yummy bread to my little celebration and not offer it a shot or two…you know one for me, one for you, one for me, one for you.. you get the idea. So in the oven it went (I think) and I crossed every part of me that I could, in hopes that I wouldn’t open the door to a banana monster. The timer went off, I slowly opened the door and was beyond excited. I had actually created something that didn’t cook over, wasn’t flat as a pancake and actually was moist and tasted pretty darn good. Now in the past I was never a big ‘nut’ fan when it came to banana bread, so I decided to make some with the nut topping and some without. I have to secretly admit I LOVE the one with the nuts. The combinations of flavors were insanely delicious to me. So I hope that you have as much fun making this as I did. And remember if you don’t like the booze and/or nuts, just leave them out. Indulge!